Didgeridoo Masterclass in Croatia 2019

This summer in 2019, I will give my second ever m a s t e r c l a s s that really deserves to be called masterclass. 22nd- 25th August in Croatia.  Didgeridoo fanatics  from around the world are welcome to join this training supercamp and explore the art of didgeridoo playing to the depths barely known to humans!
In specifications this workshop consists of:
four days of didgeridoo togetherness
more than 20 hours of exercising, including in depth explanation and know how of live and studio setup and processing for a didgeridoo
small learning songs from which you can practice your didgeridoo techniques
a small concert by the participants in a very smooth and easy atmosphere
a textbook that encompasses all the given knowledge at the workshop

amazing food at a very beautiful farm, all meals included, home made superfood from Croatia
cozy accommodation in one of the farms’ houses
almost guaranteed Sun!! )
super participants, comrades with whom you can share didge playing but also you can cry together through the night because of all the things I have said and done to you during the day
How do you know that you are ready for the masterclass?
– You need to have a desire to become proficient at didgeridoo playing – this is the most important point
– You need to have “some” experience in playing which means that you need to be able to do circular breathing, some rhythms, if you have some performing experience, great, but it is not obligatory
– You need to be able to withstand 4 days of didgeridoo brutality
If you come by plane, you need to arrive to Zagreb airport (Ljubljana is another good option if you find cheaper flights) and then from Zagreb you take the bus to Šumećani where Masterclass is. If you come by a car, you can come directly to Seoski turizam Kezele. It is possible to arrive earlier and leave later than the four days of Masterclass, but that is at your own expense.
For more info and application, write me an email to [email protected]

Price is 666 euros (of course). You need to be quick about this one. I will probably close applications by 11.6.2019. by which time you already need to pay a deposit.

For a taste of my didgeridoo teaching:

Please share with players who might be interested.

7 comments… add one
  • Adam March 7, 2019, 22:46

    What city would one fly into? I’m
    Checking flight availability l.

  • Martin March 12, 2019, 12:24

    Adam, I am assuming it’s going to be at kezele again, which means Zagreb, Croatia, will be your best bet.

    • Du March 18, 2019, 17:18


  • Brian Bennett April 6, 2019, 09:52

    Seriously considering this, you mentioned that you may close application in June. My problem is that I travel half the year on bicycle, and currently while traveling in NZ my passport has gone(stolen) missing. Unfortunately this is the second time in a ten year period that I have had to replace it, which means I have no idea how long the process will take. So…I guess at this point I am inquiring about the closing date, and at the same time perhaps a bit more about the application, if there’s anything other then coughing up the dinero($)£)etc.

    • Du April 8, 2019, 15:42

      Hello Brian!

      So, if there will be places after June, you will be able to apply then. I just don’t want for people to wait until the last moment as it makes a mess and chaos of organization. I will definitely not reject you. Sorry to hear for your passport, it is usually a drag to get sorted.
      To apply there is nothing more but to cough out half the amount (333 euros) to the right account and you are in!
      Hope to see you here!

  • Karen Bennetto August 3, 2019, 13:03

    Wow I would love to come to this!
    Please run it next year and I will save for the whole year 💓💓

  • Karen Baker August 8, 2019, 17:34

    Hi Du
    I have only just received this email and im sorry to say i wont be able to make this, as im all ready booked out for this time. An other time, an other place.



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