How to find me?
When I’m sleeping in the woods…..not so easily.
But at the moment I am wandering around town (in Zagreb)….
If you’ll really need me, you’ll find me. My pipes and I are eager travelers, so maybe we even stumble upon you!!
I function pretty well with email: [email protected]
I sometimes even answer my cellular phone!
+385 98-774-459
If it rings for a long time and I don’t answer, I may be rehearsing or performing, or my cellular phones may be somewhere where I can’t hear them. In that case, feel free to send a message explaining your reasons for needing me.
Booking inquiries
If you are interested in booking of Dubravko Lapaine solo didgeridoo act conntact Dubravko at [email protected]
For booking of Druyd contact Danka Tišljar at [email protected]. Or by phone at +385 95 8026100.
Feel free to ask!