Dark side of pro didgeridoo playing

Relatively recently I have written an article “How to turn professional in didgeridoo playing” and now I would like to say why you shouldn’t. 😉 I believe it is again a universal kind of aspect to all small scale worlds within big world. So what are the difficult aspects of pro didgeridoo world?

1. Money.

I would like to sort out the big topic first. Simply put, as you can imagine, there is not a lot of money in didgeridoo world. If you wish for a lot of money, I recommend you search for it elsewhere. Didgeridoo festivals are small and relatively poor. Or they hide their money, I don’t know. But they can’t pay a lot. Venues usually don’t pay a lot for didgeridoo playing as didgeridoo players don’t bring big audience. Playing on street… is from my experience usually not the way to make a lot of money. And conditions to all of these aspects are sometimes harsh. In all these aspects, you cannot blame anybody. It is just the way things are at the moment. This is the current commercial position of didgeridoo in the world. Of course, it is one of the aspects, but since I talk about dark sides, I don’t want to make a counterbalance. And of course, this aspect is not one fixed aspect of the world, it can change any moment, unpredictably. But since I speak about dark side, I won’t mention that either.

2. Relationship & balance between: You-Money-Playing-Doing something else-Joy

This is the old mind trick that starts when we are kids. First tidy up your room and then you can play. There is reward for work and there is no reward for playing. So it implies that either your didgeridoo playing has to become some kind of work and that you can get money for it. Or that because of the fact that we need to get money from it, it will transform to work. Anyway, it is not the same to keep the level of joy and playfulness once things become “serious” because of money. Some, I believe, would find loss of will to play.

3. Investment of time and energy

To become “really good” and make something “new” with your playing I would say you need to invest around 5 hours a day for around 5 years. Every day. Only very small breaks. None of these hours will be payed with money. Later, you will be able to do your job and get money for that, but in the learning process, it is payed in another way. Skill, knowledge, experience. Very good, but you can’t eat those.

4. No association – no support

You stand alone as didgeridoo player. There is absolutely no institution behind you. If you apply to any venue/festival/place, you come as one tiny human being. There is no background. The lack of global association makes it difficult to connect your tours, to make some logical line ofappearances at the festivals, to have a network of venues and workshop places… You are on your own.

5. Small community – small support

However, you do have something, I do need to mention community. And they will probably give you some support because majority of community is simply cool or even very cool;-) But again, people with understanding for didgeridoo are usually not powerful influential people with good positions. I mean, they are powerful, but more in the cosmic way that did not yet manifest to this world. All in all, they will do their best to help you and they will, but be sure that you will also have to be there with them and help them out in any way you can. Unless you are a bastard and you will lose your community then. So imagine very basic, natural human relationship and no stars in the sky of didgeridoo music. Ups sorry, this is almost a light side…

6. Difficult to get to outer world

Regarding everything I said it is easy to connect the dots and realize that as a didgeridoo player everybody will look at you differently from the “outside world”. Even if you are a “star” in the didgeridoo world. This means if you apply to world music festival you will most probably never get any kind of answer. Other festivals have a deal with mail providers and postal services not to even receive anything sent from you. You will have a label of “wiouwauoiwiou” all over the music world and most people in UK will think you try to play like Rolf Harris. There exist some cracks, but you need utter ninja skills to pass through them. Some players did. But none that I know did it easily.

7. Angry didgeridoo people

Sometimes your brothers and sisters, but especially brothers, will not be very cool towards you. Sooner or later it is probable you will receive angry long letters or brutal comments. More as you become good and separate from the crowd. It will be easy to realize that the didgeridoo world or any other small scale underworld of beautiful core is not a direct manifestation of heaven. There are many demons roaming around boosting your growth. Demonic or angelic- depends on you.

So what’s the point of this article?

He hee… this is the fun part. Basically the point was to write an article for all the didgeridoo players, all enthusiasts or small scale world artists who think that becoming a pro is something (only) great. I feel the great thing is to establish balance in life. Inner balance. Outer balance is already right here where we are. A direct consequence of the inner one. You don’t need to calculate it, you can just observe it. There are no excuses. Cosmos doesn’t care about excuses to change the outer balance. Only inner one changes it. Maybe with some delay, but that’s it. Inner balance also changes and moves. You can choose to follow it or to diminish it. I feel to follow it is not so much of a doing, but allowing it to happen. The feeling of love is present. To diminish it is to go away from it. In fear. Often hidden. Or in a desire. Often super seductive thought generator. But how will you know if it is a wave of inner balance or a desire that will disperse with the coming of new desire? How can you know what your inner balance wants to “do”?

Do you want to do it regardless of anything?

That is your answer.


PS. This is an inspiring movie that presents the life of a small scale artist/artisan/craftswoman in a very nice way… I highly recommend!!!


42 comments… add one
  • Rodrigo Viterbo April 19, 2013, 14:22

    I’m totally with you on this one my friend!

    • Du April 20, 2013, 10:25

      And I am totally with you. Like many times before. And probably many times after 😉


  • Mani April 19, 2013, 14:38

    Thanks :)…

    • Du April 20, 2013, 10:24

      Totally welcome Mani!


  • Nuno Pinto de Carvalho April 19, 2013, 15:06

    Awesome article. “The point of this article…” It’s interesting how you write Du! You point out something interesting, but without actually telling the “secret” direction I/we have to walk through. Its like giving a present/gift to someone, but that present is wrapped in a way that we have to find a correct tool to open it.

    You remind me of Morpheus (from the Matrix Movie): “I can only show you the door. You’re the one that has to walk through it” hehehe 😀

    About becoming a pro, I think I already show you my way of seeing things… I stand on the shoulder of giants. There are didgeridoo giants, thats for sure my friend!

    And as a didgeridoo player, I never forget that there are many other players in the same position as I am. That is comforting, because we are a “not so small” community and we can help each other. For me this is the best!

    Nunek 😉

    • Du April 20, 2013, 10:24


      I like it a lot when yo say “not so small” community. I like to induce more helping out each other!
      I like Morpheus also. Really great guy!
      Giants in the didgeridoo world are the smallest giants I know… 😉

      Good to be connected and reconnected often, reminded of the aliveness that is going on. Good to see you here!


  • Fran6co April 19, 2013, 15:11

    Hi Kosmik-Du !
    I love the way you always analyse situations very brightly, cleverly and honestly.
    A very good “dark side of the Force” article, counterbalancing all the other white-sided ones, showing us that even a Kosmik-Star has got his down-to-Earth moments of solitude and doubt.
    Now you’ve written all that, get back to the white-side, quick ! This is where the true Force lies !

    Ah, and by the way… you’re right : skill, knowledge and experience cannot be eaten… but same goes for money !

    • Du April 20, 2013, 10:21

      Hello Mr Fran6!

      As you know, I always strive to be a good padawan. I was never really drawn to the dark side. I only present the perspective… so that we know how things are. If I wouldn’t speak about it, who would?

      Since we are in “the Force” story I will use a quote from wookiepedia ;-)))
      “It is not simply enough to know the light…a Jedi must feel the tension between the two sides of the Force…in himself and in the universe.”
      He he he… what a great world!


  • jean-yves Redor April 19, 2013, 17:15

    Hi Dubvravco,
    An original , relevant analysis and sharply as your play.

    PS : Just an other artisanal experirince in video concerning my little didj world. http://vimeo.com/ofish/woodslide

    • Du April 20, 2013, 10:16

      Hello Jean-Yves!

      This is simply great! I was wondering when will somebody make a nice movie about didgeridoo -making- playing and I see you are the one who opened the portal! Congratulations!

      As long as we are aware of the “dark side” we are stronger, and maybe even more united to help each other. The massive help of community towards any member would make an incredible difference, I believe. Who knows if we will ever experience that;-)

      Looking forward to meeting you again in our mutual little didgeridoo world!


  • Ruben Brancº April 19, 2013, 17:58

    ahoo !

    very good !!! really GOOD !

    keep didging

    • Du April 20, 2013, 10:07

      You too Ruben!

      Let’s not join the dark side toghether!


  • Oliver April 19, 2013, 18:23

    Wise words brother!! I m with you

    • Du April 20, 2013, 10:06

      And I am with you.


  • Rodrik April 19, 2013, 18:31

    hahaha, very nice article…i agree in most of the aspects even if im not a pro player…
    Probably im not a pro because i´m still holding and preserving the fun part of playing didge, and trying to get my surviving money doing something else…
    Would consider to go pro with didge in an eventually band which i could feel that its bringing music expression, fusion with personality and a chance to make a minimum living out of it…I keep working on my music and developing my skills on didge and other instruments, because its stronger than me, music is my expression tool…
    Its funny to see that even for a super talented, focused, inovator and didge player full of light and love like you, things aren´t exactely easy…Thanks for sharing…Blessings from PT

    • Du April 20, 2013, 10:06

      Great Rodrik!
      Yes.. the situation that things aren’t exactly easy is a description of life (situation).
      I guess we only gain with sharing our experiences and perspectives, so I did a bit of mine… My greatest reward for this is if it helps people at least a little bit in finding their way. Or to balance out which is the same in my perspective/understanding.

      I have great faith in you!


  • Kyle Maplesden April 19, 2013, 20:34

    Well written, Du. You address many issues prevalent in the didgeridoo world. I would say that the longer you are in the scene (and perhaps the older you get) the more you begin to appreciate other players no matter what style they play. The differences disappear and the shared love of this hollow log comes through. We all hear the music eventually!

    • Du April 20, 2013, 10:01

      AGREED!!! TOTALLY!!!

  • Jack Azzarà April 19, 2013, 20:39

    Great Dudo great article!
    Inner balance. This is the point. I no longer know how is good the didgeridoo for my own inner balance. I am not able to feel how much didgeridoo influences my own inner balance. But expecially this influence is good or not?
    After eleven years I am feeling so close to get my own style. To close the circle. But in this exact moment, where I should put more effort I am thinking – seriously – to stop to play. Hope to see you very soon!

    Jack Azzarà

    • Du April 20, 2013, 10:01


      when I read your words, then I see, it would really be great to see us soon!



  • Titou/José April 19, 2013, 21:13

    Grazie Mille for each sentence of this post. It is right speech and thus precious. The more I know professionnal performers, the more i understand that it would’nt be my favorite way of life. My personnal answer is today to keep the pleasure of playing – and crafting – whatever would be the final result. If ever a final result is to be.

    • Du April 20, 2013, 10:00

      What a great comment! Simple and beautiful!
      Yes! Balance is everywhere for everyone, not in one point for one.

      I enjoy that you enjoy!


  • Pamela Mortensen April 20, 2013, 00:21

    Thank you. 🙂

    • Du April 20, 2013, 09:59

      You are so welcome Pam!

  • janawirri April 20, 2013, 00:51

    I have toured the world as a didj playa I made money from my playing, but I never felt that I was a PRO didj playa…I done this work from 1991 – 2006 till I retired and continue to paint.. money for playing used to be good, but in the early yrs We (Alan Dargin ,Mark atkins & myself) were the only Aborigines playing in europe & seen as exotic..hence the nice $$k..we charged 100 marks per person in worshop & had to limit our classes to 20 people @ a workshop, we could earn easily 4000 deutsch mark in a day ….since some of my students start to teach & new folk saying they are the masters of didj.. money gets worse people get jealous name calling starts as ego becomes didj reality…I still play but more for personal fun and do some work here and there… the $$ is as good as wot I get offered to come to europe & play so I stay at home …enjoy your didj it is still fun to play

    • Du April 20, 2013, 09:58

      Great JANAWIRRI!!!

      This was really interesting to read. This shows a lot how this world operates on the surface level. What mind stories direct the surface destinies 😉
      Also it is nice to see that at least at some time it was good money making with didgeridoo.
      Also it is nice to see you here! A LOT!

      I feel there is still lightness, fun and good sense of playing in didgeridoo world. It can be obscured temporarily, but it is vibrant underneath. THERE IS A JEDI SIDE! 😉

      Much love!


  • Laura April 20, 2013, 14:19

    Lijepo si opisao cake u kreativnom procesu (bilo koje vrste) i barijere koje se dižu kad se nešto istinski želi ostvariti, bez imalo uljpešavanja i newagerskog šatro pozitivizma.

    • Du April 21, 2013, 09:44


  • Bernard Schlageck April 20, 2013, 15:59


    Darth Vader has nothing on you!

    While I am unable to relate in the direct sense (which is to say the sense of being a Pro didge man and trying to eat and live off of the same), I can relate in some of the same terms in what I do to try and eat and live…

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you do do Du. You are an inspiration (and not just in the didgeplaying sense) to me and I am sure, also to many others.

    Your friendship means alot to me.


    • Du April 21, 2013, 09:44

      Hey Bern!

      In the same way I can thank you! Because it ultimately sums up to everything we do affects all of us in every way.
      So we can even ask a question if it is a matter of choice.

      Somewhere in the realm of being, this question loses meaning. I will find Mooji talk about this and send it.

      In the end thankfulness comes for all that is. Really. Even the worst comments are soo good. =) A practice that is never finished.

      Also, I must say I appreciate your words of appreciation a lot!

      We stay connected!


  • anakin April 21, 2013, 00:32

    quite interesting that you talk a lot about the money, and it’s your first point, that talks a lot about your personality.

    I never met a professional wiouwiou player that claims to be “good” or a wiowiou “star” .

    music festivals just throw your letters away after listening for five minutes your tracks I guess.

    too much ego for a pipe blower

    • Du April 21, 2013, 09:37

      Dear Anakin,

      I see the force is strong within you.
      When I have this kind of force strong within me, I prescribe myself one of these:

      Thank you so much for your comment! I couldn’t have written myself a better example of point Nr. 7 which can be also considered sometimes greater than point Nr. 1!

      If you want to be super cool when posting content like this, do write your name. It would make you quite unique;-)

      May the Force be with you!


  • annakin April 21, 2013, 01:35

    so you only accept comments that makes your ego grow ya?

    sorry super star, too much 4 u I guess

    you are god , ooooo

    money money, take it easy man , McDonald’s it’s always looking for new workers

    • Du April 21, 2013, 09:38

      He he he,

      thank you for the provocation. I start to think you are my good friend.


  • Delfinka April 21, 2013, 23:05

    Dearest Du!
    This sounds so true to me, especially points 3. and 4. Obviously, not for didgeridoo playing 😉
    Much much much love!

  • Darth Mole April 22, 2013, 08:13

    Welcome to the dark side of the force little Padawan !

  • Josh Th May 8, 2013, 05:30

    aloha darkuvbo and others of the small community. I have succumbed to posting in this blackish scape to vocalize my small support, because I can barely see anything in here.
    Soon one day, I will be in five hours of didge, to have a taste.

  • Dan Flynn February 19, 2014, 22:45


  • darran williams February 25, 2014, 20:29

    You shouldn’t make money of religion but they do, it’s wrong and egotistical, you need to.give the instrument back to the people who own it and stop thinking European, of course your not supposed to make money of it, but if you do it should be enough to tThis article is written from a western concept, aboriginal culture, especially the didjeridoo isn’t about making moget by, be content, white people making money of the didjeridoo is like for example an non African making money of african culture, not much money in it and would be seen as dis-honourable, well the same applies to Australian aboriginal culture, if a non aboriginal person does a original painting trying to make money, it just isn’t right, the same for aboriginal music, it never was about money or trying to be famous or rich, and now we have an article that pushes western ideology, what about the aboriginal spiritual connection and sharing and caring aspect of our culture, trying to be rich and famous of the didj or aboriginal culture is like trying to be rich and famous of b

  • charlesVclark September 12, 2017, 12:03

    God, you’re gloomy!!! Have yu never heard of didge players playing with bands?

    • Little creek November 2, 2020, 14:53

      Still miss the point, so what if they are playing in bands, Yothu Yindi was never about the money, typical European reply, “Oh Why so gloomy”? Because we are sick of see you culture thieves misappropriate Aboriginal culture, in fact all black culture.. while you get rich we are still poor after playing or for 40,000 years.. yeah go play in your superficial bands..

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