Lapaine Ritosha duo


By traveling to unexplored regions of our creation, our duo functions as a Transmusical LocoMOTIVE. Our world spans the realms of two instruments, each of which is derived from opposite ends of the musical spectrum. Didgeridoo music  and classical music.
An intricate weave of philosophical complexity and aesthetics comprises the first instrument: the piano – a box of echoes, an arsenal of mallets and strings…..finger tips dancing over a plane of keys. The second instrument is the epitome of primitive simplicity – the didgeridoo. Beginning within the human body and ending as a hollowed log, the didgeridoo toys with every organic entity the wind can reach.

Together these instruments are like two trains that simultaneously transport you to distinctive or even seemingly unreachable destinations. The ultimate goal of this Transmusical LocoMOTIVE is to never return itself or its passengers.