Didgeridoo lovers, enthusiasts and fanatics, know that this year there will be the 8th Didgeridoo Masterclass in Croatia, June 17th -22nd, 2025 for Level 1 and June 25th-29th for Level 2 aka MC². The ultimate didgeridoo training camp, but also a place to meet people who share the passion and the mysterious journey of didgeridoo mastery. To apply you need to send an email to [email protected]
Arrivals should be planned for Monday, 16th or at latest Tuesday,
17th, early morning for Level 1 and Tuesday 24th or latest Wednesday 25th in the morning for the Level 2. I recommend coming a day earlier, as it takes time to acclimatize
and the group will already start gathering anyway, so why missing it?
The lessons for L1 will start Tuesday morning, 11am, and Wednesday morning week later for L2. Saturday evening will once again treat us with a great concert and Sunday is the
last day, with lessons till 2pm, after which we devour lunch, slowly
pack and bid farewells. This is so for both Level 1 and Level 2. Please do not book your ticket before I confirm that the MC is happening. For this I need to get enough applications. Once you apply, you will be connected to the Source of the News and you will know as
soon as I know. This is also why it is important to apply early and not
in June! Khm!
What about the didgeridoos, is it BYOD?
If you have a didgeridoo in C with a toot in C, you can bring it with
you! I understand that if you travel by plane, this might be
inconvenient for you, so I offer to provide you a Moytze didgeridoo for
the duration of masterclass. The rent fee for the didgeridoo is 100 euros for the duration of the Masterclass. If you damage the didgeridoo by handling we will figure out the extra fee. If Moytze gets cracks from playing, I will cover it.
Recorder/headphones recommendation:
If you want to hear yourself well (generally) in a group of
didgeridoo players playing at the same time, you can consider bringing a
recorder (like Zoom H4n) and headphones (like Beyerdynamic DT770) and
use them at the MC to isolate your didgeridoo sound to your ears. You
can add a Didgelander to this combo: https://pilnaj.com/eng/index.html
Other things to bring:
Mosquito repellent or a personal hungry bat- sometimes it is really needed, sometimes not, depending on how wet the year was
Sunscreen- if you use it -or to put it on someone’s seat with an open lid
A pen to write notes
How do you know you are ready for the Masterclass?
If you have never been to the Masterclass, or have never taken a lesson from me, know that it is obligatory to take at least one (online) lesson to prepare you for the MC. This way the whole group will be better prepared and more consistent and you will be very motivated to practice for the MC. The fee for the one hour lesson with further support is 150 euros. For this you need to contact me at [email protected]
Apart from that, you can check your status with the following:
– You need to have a desire to become proficient at didgeridoo playing – this is the most important point
– You need to have “some” experience in playing which means that you need to be able to do circular breathing, some rhythms, if you have some performing experience, great, but it is not obligatory – the best way to check it is if you can do 10 basic exercises from my YT tutorial
– You need to be able to withstand 6 days of loving didgeridoo brutality
– You need to be able to leave your ego at the door, especially in case of someone playing better than you, which is almost sure to happen anyway – the safest way is to come humble and light and you are bound to thrive
How do you know you are ready for the MC²?
– if you’ve passed MC with flying colours – but even walking colours are fine, just not crawling colours
– if you eat 10 Almighty Exercises for breakfast – or you would if I showed them to you or
– If you find exercises like this to be dooable: https://youtu.be/P1AD9wv7sFc?feature=shared
What about the ULTRA Masterclass?
Last year I understood that the world is not ready for the UMC yet and that we need to raise the level by adding a stepping stone called MC². Then, one fine day, when enough didgeridoo samurais will roam the world… I will show you the inexplicable depth of the didgeridoo rabbit hole.
First of all, you need to be grateful until the end of your life that Gods of Wind, Tubes and Wood were so benevolent to grant you the Masterclass in this reality and that you didn’t need to sacrifice a goat or a family member for that. But if you have a reason why you need to get a discount, let me know and you will get it. It has to be convincing though. If you are a student from Bosnia, you need say no more. But take it with a grain of responsibility as with all things in life. If you want to pay higher price for the MC, this is also allowed.
To sum it up, this uberworkshop consists of:
– six days of didgeridoo togetherness
– more than 35 hours of exercising, including in depth explanation of body, skills and know-how of live and studio setup
– small learning songs from which you can practice your didgeridoo techniques
– a small concert by the participants and this year’s special guests Ancient Science of Sound in a very smooth and easy atmosphere (hopefully)
– a textbook that encompasses all the given knowledge at the workshop, which is beyond anything you can find online
– amazing food at a very beautiful farm, all meals included, home made superfood from Croatia
– didge room – a room where you can test and buy didges that you’ve never even dared to dream of
– cozy accommodation in one of the farm’s houses
– almost guaranteed Sun!! =))
– super participants, comrades with whom you can share didge playing but also you can cry together through the night because of all the things I have said and done to you during the day
Where it is and ways to arrive:
If you come by plane, you need to arrive to Zagreb airport and then from Zagreb you take the bus to Šumećani where Masterclass is. If you come by a car, you can come directly to Seoski turizam Kezele. It is possible to arrive earlier and leave later than the six days of Masterclass, but that is at your own expense.
This year we will again create a Whatsapp group for organizing and optimizing arrivals and departures and you will have further MC support and connections there, till the rest of your life or end of Whatsapp.
For more info and application, write me an email to duendedidgeridoo@gmail.com
Masterclass starts on Tuesday 17th June at 11 am, just after a relaxed breakfast and ends on Sunday 2pm, June 22ndth, with a feast.
MC² starts on Wednesday 25th at 11am and ends Sunday 29th at 2pm, with a feast as well.
Price is 666euros for the MC and 666 for the MC² and you will need to pay a deposit (300) to make it official.
Prices for accommodation are:
Prices:FULL BOARD (shared room for 2 persons) 75,05 eur/day + 1,33 eur tax / day
ADDITION FOR A CHILD 32,85 eur/day
AMOUNT (shared room) 75,05 eur x 6 days = 450,30 eur + 1,33 x 6 = 7,98 sum= 458,28 eur
AMOUNT (single room) 97,85 eur x 6 days = 587,10 eur + 1,33 x 6 = 7,98 sum= 595,08 eur