The Story of a Sawmill

I have a story I would like to share. For a long time I have a dream… well.. I don’t know if dream is the right word, maybe vision. A visionary dream, a dreamy vision. This dreamy vision is to have a small sawmill. “Why on Earth would anyone want that?” you may wonder… and it is true.. not many people who you know really need a sawmill. But I do.

I need it because I make wooden instruments that often need very precise cutting. I need it because I work with wood a lot in general and have very specific wishes of what I need. And because good lumber is quite expensive…
So I explored a lot lot lot about it. And found that this is probably the most informative website about sawmills on internet… I highly recommend reading to anyone who is interested in the subject.

So this is also the model I decided to make, together with Danka. It was a long wait to do it as we needed to set the house in certain condition before we could do anything. Also, it took us a long time to make as we didn’t have plans. Maybe it was not a good idea to save that money as there are so many details in building a sawmill… We were very diligent for a month and it was huge pleasure to put it out and test it! We asked for help our friends as it was bloody heavy to take out of the workshop. Very good idea to have good strong friends if you do it the way we did it. So that the sawmill is trapped inside workshop in some awkward position.


To cut first boards was a pleasure. Even though the sawmill didn’t work totally exactly as it was not calibrated yet.. when we tried to calibrated we messed things a bit more… But we were determined to make it through… It was a bit hard, I must say. Working so much each day and not getting the total success. But I learned that many good things don’t come easy.. And I remember how much time and energy it was to learn how to drill didgeridoos properly…

But this story has a surprising momentary ending. Last night somebody broke into our car that was in locked garage, broke the glass and took the chainsaw out! I had it in the car because I wanted the check the oiling system at the service. It was a new Stihl 660 with 90cm guidebar. A big investment and big happiness for me. And now the story of sawmill becomes even more difficult.
Didgeridoos waiting to be cut, stairs and walls to be made… and I am chainsawless…


So what point do I want to give through this sad ending story?

I want to say it is not the end. It never is and it never will be end. Because The Story is endless. And when you know that, when you feel that deeply it is easier to continue and not give up. It is easier to follow passion regardless of anything! We will be cut down by missing chainsaws many times in our lives! The only real defense we can have is not to be of cuttable material! What is cut? WHO IS CUT?

I will repeat the eternal words of Ramana Maharshi
And in my case;
“Who am I?” Is the biggest cosmic sawmill with a huge guidebar with sharpest chains to cut off my ego!!!

Many thanks for reading and all the support you have ever given me!



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