Today I would like to say something about abundance. Non measurable abundance that makes life on Earth so very enjoyable. There are many aspects of abundance, but I would like to say something about the one that comes with traveling. And particularly one that comes with traveling with didgeridoo.
I have been traveling mostly whole summer, and big part of spring. As all of you know, traveling brings you to new places. (what an insight!) New places usually bring “new” people and events. “New” people and events bring new insights and experiences. Everybody knows that. So what is so special about it?
Nothing. But I realized how powerful form of abundance that is. To meet people and places and share life with them.
To influence and be influenced.
To give and receive.
To keep the flow and pulse.
And to be able to do it because of my “job”, to meet this spiritual underworld and overworld around the common world is a great gift.
So this is a small blog to express gratitude to meeting ALL of you this year. To pulse, to resonate about the mutual beauty. And I see again and again how didgeridoo is a strong connection between people. It shows the connection all people could have.
Thank you so much for the laughs, hugs, food, sounds, smiles, kisses, more food, dancing, swimming in cold streams and lakes, dancing in the kitchen, speaking in the forest,singing, laughing like crazy, relaxing, walking, drinking great wine and rum and organic beer, sweating in sauna, astral sex that maybe could have happened, new planets that we could have explored, but we kept something for next time. Thank you for being with me. – Du