Didgeridoo-guitar instrumental reached the finals!

There was this didgeridoo-guitar song from far away… called Thought from Faraway. It was sent far to mysterious expert judges this summer and got listened by them and re-listened (I suppose) and in the end they decided to give it a prize! Not a gold crown, but a green ribbon.

The prize is called The World of Music Awards by We Are Listening and is the one and only worldwide contest dedicated to world music. Furthermore, it is the most culturally diverse, multi-lingual music event in the world!

Misao iz daleka reached the finals with nine other songs among whom a very interesting chinese singer Gong Linna won. It is, as you may already know, the last song from the new album Kosmopterix, performed on didgeridoo and guitar by Du and Yr who are playing together in a heavy wood band called Druyd. You can see it all with your own eyes and ears on the official site of the Award and you can peek a little there and be proud with us.

It is after all the thought that traveled amazingly far until now and who knows where else the wind will bring it.

Here it is for you right now:

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