Airvault Festival 2009

We’re back from Airvault. 28 hours ride there and 25 back. Summed together and multiplied with the temperature in the car it makes around infinity. But it was worth it!
Beautiful festival. H U G E. Great people. Positive energy on highest level. No shouting all weekend. No litter at the end of the festival. Those familiar with Balkan traditions will know what kind of Sci-Fi that was to us.

IMG_7351Magnificent cedar trees. No photo transfers the beauty and the size.
Very interesting creatures of many forms. Many โ€žoldโ€œ and โ€žnewโ€œ artists. One to point out here is one out of didge world, but very deeply in music world. Great Mr Vladiswar Nadishana from Syberia.

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People in the audience had admirable level of crazibilites. I heard screams from the audience during my concert like never in my life… I hope nobody was hurt. ๐Ÿ˜‰
I found only one little movie of the concert

And if you can see between the frames, you will know how good the night was. The night for the raven’s flight to the realms of floating light. Oh it was the night of unforgetful might.

Good knight.

…and for those who want to feel more there is a delightful set of photos from the festival by Le Bruce on Flickr and it really captures the beauty of the event…


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