Spear factor

Oh look! Colours!

This is a little didgeridoo making story which you are likely to buy because it is on discount. Our storyshop is running out of storage space, so we make drastic moves. This one is on discount because it is true.

There was this other day around, but recently, when I wanted to carve out something of two eucalyptus boards. A sound container in a way. For experiments. Of course.
So I took a mallet and a chisel and started to wake the neighborhood up. I was expelled from my previous workshop, so now I am making instruments, monstruments and related stuff in one room in a flat.
I started to feel kind of bad because I was near the window, at the aim of a sniper of a neighbor with low opinion on midnight art. But also the work was going very slow.  At some point the my inside head bulb lighted in a most peculiar light

I thought I should try chiseling with long chisel I use for chiseling deep inside didgeridoos. It is a very sharp 2 meter long, rather heavy chisel I made for myself as present one day. My favourite.
I am not exaggerating when I say I was around five times faster with it. I’ve always felt very natural working with it, but I have not have expected this. So instead of working with 30cm chisel and being close to the work, I was 2 meters away, doing it many times faster, the only factor reducing my speed and accuracy was poor light.

I try to be present in the processes I do, to experience them for what they really are. They are often amazing, magnificent in their nature (for any human being, not just me). I look for hidden, not obvious connections and reasons. Why do I play like I do? Why did this rhythm or that melody come to my mind? Is it something that was in the air or in the blood?
This situation reminds me very much of only one thing which I never have done. Using spears. Humans have been doing that for eons, much longer than using forks and spoons I guess. So maybe if you discover that you feel much more natural to eat with two meter long kitchen accessories, my theory might be right!
Be sure to let me know. And by that time I am going to experiment with an arm-long tooth brush. Actually, now the advantages of very long toilet brush comes in mind…
I will make a list.

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