What you see is a regular black locust log picked up near my house that stayed a bit wet for a while.
In some ways I feel the world around us holds a whole other dimension, just a step from ours. On the micro scale of details usually the world changes to the the one we know from fairytale. So the video features a moss rich log close-up which is far more fascinating then when you look at it from a distance. Or to paraphrase Monty Python – can you tell a black locust from a distance? In the same frame you can see a close up of a fantasy forest and a glimpse of blurred car in the backgroud. Same frame. Depending on the point of view.
And so in my new album (coming soon), the sound is much like the world of moss, glowing mushrooms and unexpected creature friends. That are actually always here. Some very zoomed-in detail that can seem like another world from a normal didgeridoo perspective but for the same reason can contain another kind of beauty. The piece you are about to hear in the video is just a piece of a piece from the album, extracted to present its character here.