Creativity is when I actually don’t do anything!!!

I believe that in whichever activities you are involved in your daily life there is a chance of creativity arising. Creativity is so commonly used word that maybe we’ve even forgotten this juicy rich moment when the new creation is born and the inner light shines so brightly!

But how is it possible that after all these years of all these human lives we still don’t have a recipe for creativity that works? How is it possible that everything is so fine in theory, even the feeling is good, but once we reach this crucial point that we should do something… new, unknown, inspired, creative… nothing arises? BLOCK.

I meet this point quite often. Mostly with music. But also with instruments and sound. I observe this moment. I observe and I see there must be a dimension where I am relaxed… super-relaxed for real creativity to come into game. I observe and I see I very often compose from the regular technical practice I do… sometimes from mistake… often unintentionally… sometimes with intention… but always relaxed… always easy in the deeper level… there must be a point of peace…stillness… even naivete, complete lack of defense or prejudices…

I know a great being that inspires me with her easiness of creation… it is always so easy for her… sometimes she makes forms in heavy earth… sometimes only impressions of light with her camera… but I observe this fluent motion…. this is teaching and inspiration I get from her… Also one teaching from form is that I love, and I have always loved to make crosscuts in wood. Especially naughty (knotty) wood. This is a teaching as beauty reveals itself… so easily. It is already there. Just one cut and here it is present! Lately I have started to sand and polish the crosscuts so it takes some hours for big ones for the beauty to shine fully, but it is still the same teaching about the beauty which was already here. Nothing done by human that made it more beautiful, just visible.

Recently I combined these two inspirations for creativity and I brought some crosscuts to Her. She, Lidia was so kind to take photos of them a bit so I can show you their simplicity. Here in the photos there are new dimensions showing up as beauty transcends from one object to another. When I was telling Lidia about my feeling of creativity, how it is just revealing of what already is… she gave me a perfect zen answer: “Sometimes, it is just noticing it.” .

Now I ask you? Can it be more easy than that?
So why is it so hard?
In the end I would like to recommend a book that I haven’t read, but I have a greatest feeling about. It is “THE ELEMENT” by Sir Ken Robinson.

I hope you enjoyed and absorbed some feeling of easiness to fulfill the emptiness of your moments of creativity.



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