House of Life Possibilities

This is the beginning  of the story of  HOLP, House of  Life Possibilities, what it is generally and why it is important to Everyone. For me personally, it reflects in a life in forest, another environment, another dimension for didgeridoo practice and crafting. It is exploring “new life and new civilizations” inside ourselves, being totally wrapped in perfect cosmic surrounding.

HOLP: Definition.

It’s been such a long time since I’ve been here…

For the story I want to tell you… feels awkward to type it on a keyboard… it would be more appropriate to carve it with a chainsaw and pound it with a hammer… but this is not a way the internet works so we do it the old fashion way. Dim the lights please…

This is the story of a house.  But not just any house. It is The House of Life Possibilities.

Everyone has the House of Life Possibilities, but needs to discover it. This is not a dream house. Though it can be. This is a house that resonates the same way you do, allows you to grow the flowing potentials and connect to the space around you. To find this house you need to find what are your true wishes and resonances.

HOLP is not a “perfect” house.  It was never meant to be. This house does not have everything you can imagine. HOLP is a house that fulfills your real wishes, not the unimportant infinities of thoughts. HOLP might not be in the middle of some Pacific island, it might not have marble pathway, nor be at some mystical place that holds tremendous powers. But HOLP will be there for you and your way of living, every day, whatever may come!

HOLP: My own.

My HOLP story started a long time ago. I was born and lived my whole life (up till now) in a city. I had a room I shared with my brother, or a flat I shared with a girlfriend. I had no outdoor place for doing “stuff” and my workshops were small basement rooms.  All this time I was always puzzled when I had to deal with large pieces/amounts of wood to which I have always been immensely drawn to. I had separation from forests that have always been calling me. My didgeridoo story which had no sense of limits, and I am quite sure you are familiar with it, made the situation of dealing with all this more and more complex.

I wanted to know what it is like to create didgeridoo music in a different kind of environment. Where nature is on the move rather than swarm of cars. Where every day is Tuesday. Or any other day. I wanted to really hear the sound of earth and the echo in the woods. To start creating in the forest way of being for me was not anymore a choice, it was a must.

My HOLP had foundations in me for quite a while since I even had any idea what it would look like. I only knew what would be the essence, the heart of it. From this heart vision, the real thing started to emerge in the beginning of this year.

HOLP: To Life.

Magical Lady Da, the crazy cosmic architect, put everything on a big piece of paper in the very forest that we have and the idea of HOLP became more alive as first drawings arose! From this the whole project started to unwind and in March this year we started to actually build it. Since then I lost sense of time and a lot of connections to the outer world…I have been working so hard hard hard as a very hard stone that is hard to imagine how hard it is. But even after 7 full months I must admit we are still far from end. We just realize every day how much more we need to do. So I can’t wait anymore.


I need to reconnect with playing. I need to reconnect with my instruments. I need to reconnect with You.

HOLP: Reconnection.

I want to tell you the story of this forest didgeridoo transformation, search, spiraling in and out, reconnecting, reverbrating with trees, with revertebratae,  inhaling the breath of birth, exhaling the breath of death in every moment, being totally there. Also in small words and simple stuff. Like what beauty lies in mixing earth and water. What being constantly outdoors does to your body and perception. What is tree looking good for and what can you hear in the forest in the night. Finally, every time and again, how it all reflects in didgeridoo playing.

See you soon!








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