New album brings new realizations and new dimensions of didgeridoo solo

I just finished recording my new didgeridoo solo album Dubokobud (The Deep Waker). I would like to share a bit of this experience while it is still steaming fresh, and I would like to give some possible valuable and comforting realizations.

The story of Dubokobud

Without knowing, I started recording new didgeridoo solo album when I accidentally played and recorded sketch of  “Duboki oblici oblaci” (Deep Shapes Clouds). This song/creature/entity/movable form showed me how open the frame of a song is. Meaning that one song is not “one song”, it is a flow.

The first song/creature/entity/movable form showed me how open the frame of a song is.

An energy flow which can sound like some “type” of song. The openness of this song and its unusual sound inspired me to record the whole album in this open manner.This means I was less conceptual, less thinking about new songs. I prepared them on the raw side during my long practicing sessions.

The process of recording

I cannot say that I was well prepared when I entered the studio. Because I didn’t really know what I’ll do. I can say I was perfectly prepared as everything was going, flowing, easily and with force to me.  I had no expectations so I wasn’t blocking momentary inspirations. I realized how well I did my homework in the sense of basic preparations I needed. Strength, relaxation and control. I realized how important it was for me to have this continuous work with sound development. In fact, I had many realizations which I think are of essential nature to all humans, so I will list them here.


1. We always have what we have and not what we will have. It is very easy to fall into trap that future will bring us “better Self” who will have more skills, better didgerdoos, better microphones, better songs… But we cannot record the album in the Future. We can only record it in the  Now.

2. Know and accept your performing possibilities. I would like to emphasize this point of first point even more! I find it a great blessing not to go after the performance which overstreches us in the moment. It is much easier to record something on a new level of performance when this new level comes to the whole being. A song out of your reach can only happen by divine intervention sometimes also called luck. This is difficult to force. So accepting your current possibilities will help you keep sane and balanced creature. Which is a big deal in potentially very stressful process.

3. Getting to the new level goes in many small steps.
And “new levels” again form steps which lead to “Big new levels”. In practice it means that every practice leads you to a new place. These accumulated make you significantly better player year after year. It is difficult to skip years, much easier to pass through days.

4. Consistent effort is the key! In physics there is a formula for momentum: mass times velocity equals force times time. This means if you want to make a great momentum and you don’t have a great force ( I don’t) – you need a lot of time in which you constantly affect this mass by your force. I realize more and more how everything I do accumulates. And since I am constantly “in the game” – I have little energy loss due to forgetting what everything was all about, and repeating the same mistakes. I hope you get this point in this amount of words.

5. Consistency is a great quality also of your producer/technician. If you are able to explore and grow with one (wo)man in your sound and music ventures – this is a great gift. This means deeper understanding, mutual goals and less energy to explain wishes, situations. I had a great luck to have this!

6. Didgeridoo is still a very unexplored instrument. We still don’t know what hides inside this incredible instrument. It is a corridor to ourselves. Do not underestimate the vastness of unexplored! Do not think you know too much, do not stop to explore the sound, do not judge yours or others’ didgeridoo music/playing and you will be rewarded greatly!

New Dimensions

I was honestly astonished what came out of me in Kramasonik studio. I am astonished in that measure that I don’t feel it was my “own” work. I felt a strong Pulse through which everything was pushed into this world. I observed my body in the process. My body not as “me”, but something I am tied to, an archetypal property of all humans. I noticed it is so much more able than my thoughts could direct it. I noticed I have given it right exercises, right treatment for what I wished it to do. But then it did it all by itself. This body moved the dimensions of what was known didgeridoo sound to me. I would like to motivate you as much as possible to experience it yourself. It is possible on every level. When you first manage circular breathing you will notice your body is doing that “automatically” or by itself. The greatness of this feeling can grow and grow as you accumulate more energy in your cosmical lake. A lake that is always behind you wherever you go.

Hope this was helpful and comforting for your own recording journey.

– Du


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