I would like to tell you a story of a didgeridoo creature a bit neglected by its surrounding, but with some qualities so amazing that it solely can reach some places of spaces.
It starts in the Earth environment, somewhere at the seaside where agaves grow. There was a stick so tiny and slick that it would surely be overlooked by a didgeridoo hunting man or woman who knows what she or he is doing. Fortunately, I did not know what I was doing, so I took it home. And as it is usually not the case it was on a surgery desk for making didgeridoo quite soon.
Now all the doctors in my head gathered, scratched their beard and murmured… What could this be… how to make a didgeridoo out of this? We played a lot of long sticks, but never so tiny as this…
And as presence and practice were the best teachers available, ever, at all times, there was a revealing and astonishing first blow. There was a very natural feeling of much greater resonance than one would expect from this little long stick. And the easy silky toots…
It is a 235cm long didgeridoo in F#. The first 8 toots of it are: A#, F#, C, E, G, A#, C#, E
It is nice to play acoustically, BUT where it really shines through are its amazing dances in front of a microphone. Yes, dances is a good word, this didge taught me a lot about various microphone usages and new possibilities of didgeridoo sound. It was first played on Korvo Eksaltiko, and it was really a revealing experience. I believe this didgeridoo, called The Needle didge because of its appearance, has strong place in didgeridoo spectrum.
In short, it has very very nice bass which is deep and can be articulated well. It has enormous crazibilites of toots. The timbre is special and nice, non obtrusive, but powerful. It has smaller dynamic range which suits close miking better. The instrument is dynamically inert in the best sense of it. It can go, but only when you press acceleration pedal hard. There is no way to hurt yourself, microphone, or somebody in the audience accidentally. And it is still in the size that can fit in most places.
I tried to make a copy of it for travelling, but I missed one toot a bit. You could say no big deal, but it puts me to minor scale instead of major, so it can be a big deal, or it can be not, depending on what you want. But I realized many things from and about this instrument, and it will be found in the stories to come…
The point of this little story lies in the fact that something completely new cannot be in something already well known. Things come in their forms unexpectedly, and they do ask for some attention to be discovered….
Well… you know… how it goes… I wish you good luck.
A new Didgeridoo – „The Needle“
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Rodrigo Viterbo November 10, 2009, 13:32
Beautiful story for this instrument, Korvo Eksaltiko is my favourite music from kosmopterix.
Keep making beautiful music.
Fran6co March 5, 2010, 19:42
I love the way you tell your stories Mister Du’ :-))
You’re a gifted artist in many ways !
Keep on exploring that huge Oniric World for us !